Peoples CountingLive OccupancyCustomer FlowDemographicsQueue ManagementRetail Analytics Platform


Retail Platform

Counttrack® powered traffic data for any retail professional. Take business future into your hands with 99% accuracy, the highest industry standard.

Visitors experience insights to
increase sales

Сounttrack®3D People Counting System counts your visitors with 99% accuracy.


Over the years of experience, we have worked closely with retail professionals to develop an advanced and user-friendly counttrack® Retail Platform that meets all the industry needs.

Easily get an overview of your location's performance and dive deep into a wide variety of cutting-edge analytics. counttrack® Retail Platform provides you with clear visualization of all the data with actionable insights.

More than just people counting

User Friendly and Hassle-Free
Designed for Retail Professionals
Real-Time Reporting
Advanced Statistics
and Analysis
Always at
your Fingertips

User-friendly platform for retail professionals

Real-time and Historical Data
All the data is instantly available on your dashboards, doesn't matter where in the world your stores are located. 

Smart Dashboards
Get full visibility into all your locations' KPIs. Easily adjust dashboard settings to your specific needs. Compare and analyze locations and metrics that are the most valuable to your specific needs. 

Advanced Reporting
Get customizable or built-in reports in a variety of formats at all times. 

Beautiful Data at Your Fingertips
Easy to access and optimized for desktops, smartphones, and tablets. 

questions into answers

Complete visibility

Remove blind spots in your business. Understand customer journey while maintaining privacy.

counttrack sensors

Smart, accurate, reliable

counttrack® sensors provide industry-leading 99% counting accuracy. It is the highest industry standard in hardware and firmware. Built for every needcounttrack® sensors are designed to overcome any challenging environments. Intense visitor traffic, harsh lighting conditions, people entering as a group, and walking hand-in-hand, are not an issue for counttrack® sensors' advanced detection features. To ensure the highest level of accuracy all data is recorded and can be accessed in real-time. counttrack® sensors are easy to install and manage with advanced sensors' status monitoring and our dedicated team, which can manage all sensors on the remote. 
Our Clients
Unleash performance, improve operations with accurate footfall metrics.